Hello viewers,Today in this post i am going to tell you about thanos, the man who wants to wipe out half the universe and the biggest villain of the marvel cinematic universe. Thanos was the last sons of A'lars and sui san. He was born with grey, hide like skin and a massive body due to his deviant syndrome. when he was born ,his mother tried to kill him but his father stoped his mother to do that. In his childhood days,he was a very pacifist pesrson and never used to fight with anyone. He only used to play with his brother Eros, who later join the avengers as starcox.Thanos even fears to go in his school laboratory during his childhood days. Later he become obsesses with death,having felt in love for someone for the first time in his life. after few days,he started killing animals and humans and started doing research on them. He wanted to know why he was different from other people. He also killed his own family Thamos homeland was destroyed because of overpop...